
Precious stones and jewels generally aren’t found naturally laying about in plain sight; you have to dig for them, sometimes busting through layers hard rock and dusting off debris. And even when they are discovered, often times they look dull and unassuming. But when given proper care—when cleaned, polished and cut—they reveal spectacular, majestic beauty.

Many people, including ourselves, walk around covered in dirt and debris. We are valuable gems hidden deep among layers of hurts and fears, disappointments and insecurities. Some of us are buried much deeper than others. Yet, beneath all of this lies a priceless treasure—an alluring beauty waiting to be discovered and refined.

We need to be miners of men. We need to aid others in discovering their hidden potential—unearthing it and bringing to light their value and beauty. By using our tools of encouragement, enlightenment, care and time, we bring more light and splendor to a dimly lit world. Just as iron sharpens iron, so it is when we uplift and encourage others—it’s a double-blessing. Help others to shine.

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