Act purposefully.

Planes flying into buildings. Drunk drivers killing families. Cancer claiming another victim. Losing a friend to suicide. Nobody is immune to tragedy. When the unexpected strikes, we are often left with indescribable feelings of regret, remorse, sadness and helplessness. “I should(n’t) have said that.” “I wish I would(n’t) have…” “I could(n’t) have…” “If only…” These thoughts are natural. Despite our deep …

Get Even.

It’s so very easy to get angry, get hurt, or try to get even when someone forsakes, attacks, or disappoints us. Often times we seek to even the score through revenge or by begrudging the other person. This is a losing proposition and a terrible posture of heart. It’s generally not a matter of their heart, but of ours. What isn’t easy is …

New day.

For me, yesterday was miserable. Not the kind of miserable where you lose your job, your house burns down, your spouse leaves you, your dog dies and they cancel your favorite television program, but certainly not what I would consider to be a great day. It was what is often called “one of THOSE days.” An early morning frustration was …


iPhones, iPads, laptops, mobile this, wifi that…now you’re free! No longer are you tethered and trapped! Gone is the need to be constantly plugged in! Go anywhere! Do anything! But is this true? Are you really free? While these intelligent devices are not bound by the need for outlets, they do come with a cost. Batteries drain and must be …

Be present.

One of the greatest things you can…[insert obnoxious ringtone here] Hold on. I’ve gotta take this… ”Hello? Uh huh. Uh huh. Oh no she didn’t! Okay, see you later.”  Sorry. One of the greatest… [insert equally obnoxious notification sound here]. Someone is texting me…just a sec… Okay, let me just send them a quick reply. [Type, type, type, autocorrect, backspace, …