
One type of cactus, the saguaro, grows only one inch within the first ten years of its life. It doesn’t grow a branch until it is 16 years old. It doesn’t begin to flower until it i nearly 60. It is one of the slowest growing plants on Earth. There is a certain kind of bamboo that can grow up to …

Invest wisely.

We are a culture obsessed with obtaining great wealth and a pursuit of happiness. Sadly, most of us don’t even realize that the wealth we are chasing after is one that is rarely (if ever) accompanied by true happiness. Yet there are many people who, though their bank accounts don’t reflect it, have more wealth than could ever be counted. …

A word to the wise.

Of all the treasures in this world that you possess, which do you think is among the greatest? It isn’t cash, or gold, or property, or any physical possession for that matter. The greatest treasure one can ask for is wisdom. Wisdom protects you from stumbling into trouble. She helps steer you out of difficult situations. Wisdom gives you the …

Drop the ball.

Aggravations and annoyances. They are like little scraps of tin foil that you slowly roll one on top of the other until you soon have a little foil ball that you carry around. If you continue to let things aggravate, agitate and annoy you, that ball grows even larger as you add more and more and more layers. One day, …

Truly Happy New Year.

It’s a brand new year—a new book of 365 blank pages waiting to be filled with our stories. It’s a time when we wish others a “Happy New Year” and make resolutions to do life differently, whether by tiny tweaks or through monumental changes. Those of you who know me know that I hold a strong faith in the teachings, …