What if?

So many of the troubles that exhaust your mind and weigh heavily upon your spirit are those which are taken from an unknown tomorrow.

“What if?” is a strange beast. As his enemy, you find yourself shackled with despair—subdued, drowning, and unable to overcome.

But make “what if?” your friend, and you will find yourself lifted high upon his shoulders as he carries you through troubled waters.

Every situation is presented by a “what if?” You have the choice to embrace the “what if?” known as Hope, our you can be dragged around by the one called Fear.

Because Hope’s tongue is so foreign to us in our land of pessimism, it may at first seem awkward getting to know him. But as the relationship grows, you’ll realize what a sweet, strong friend this “what if?” truly is.

Choose to walk with Hope. And if you have already become friends, introduce Hope to someone who may not yet know him.

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Comments 2

  1. Post

    Thank you, Yvonne. I truly appreciate that. It’s encouraging when people find meaning in what I put out there. I used to paint quite a bit, but as of late the only thing I do is digital painting/designing. All of the graphics on my blog are custom…they give me a creative outlet that’s outside the day-to-day.

    I appreciate you taking time to read my stuff. Make it a great day!

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