
CRYBABYPEEPANTS (a.k.a. Joy Vampires)
Noun.  An unfortunate breed who, in nearly every situation, finds something (often multiple things) to complain about.

Nothing puts a damper on things quite like having a Crybabypeepants in your presence. You know the type; no matter how good something is, with their constant grumblings, they suck the joy out of a room. The words used to describe their behavior are nearly as ugly as the behavior itself—bitching, moaning, bellyaching, whining, sniveling, griping, etc. Urgh. No matter what you call it, it isn’t pretty. Nobody wants to be around a Crybabypeepants.

Complaining, contrary to what Joy Vampires would say, is not simply making mere observations. It isn’t the same thing as having a negative emotional response toward something. No, consistently cynical or critical grumblings are the symptom of a deeper problem. Habitually dwelling upon the negative and reinforcing it through complaining breeds misery, which breeds more complaining, which then breeds more misery (for both the Joy Vampire and their unsuspecting victims).

Most often, Crybabypeepants people are simply unhappy. They come in many varieties as well: the Elitist, for whom nothing is ever good enough; the Defeatist, who acts as though the entire world is against them; the Angry Assassin, who is very intentional in spreading their poison; the Humdrum, who has been complaining for so long that they know nothing else; the Downcast, who wallows in dismal misery; and the Hopeless, whose glass is always empty.

The sad reality for most Crybabypeepants is that they have complained so often about so many things that they don’t even realize anymore what they are doing. Nobody likes a complainer and nothing will stunt or kill a relationship as will trying to deal with a sniveling downer.

Yet, there is hope for the Crybabypeepants. There is a way for the Joy Vampire to transform their outlook and behavior and to find happiness, even amid negative situations. But it involves intentional choice—becoming aware of our grumblings and finding something good to focus on. It takes purposeful perspective—something might not be ideal, but in comparison to other scenarios, is it really that bad? And it takes honesty—shedding ourselves of destructive pride and taking a position of humility.

Do you know one of these people? Are you one of these people? Either way, there’s a good chance that they (or you) are unhappy. If you are one of these people, stop it. For every potentially negative thing in this world, there are a myriad of other wonderfully positive ones. And if you know one of these people, help stop it. Sometimes Crybabypeepants people aren’t even aware of their behavior. Gently guide them and help encourage them by giving an antonym antidote to their grumblings. Whether you choose it for yourself, or choose to help transform a Joy Vampire, happiness is a choice. There truly is joy to be found in all things if you stop complaining long enough to contemplate it.



“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
—Philippians 2:14


“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
—Proverbs 17:22


“Those who disregard discipline despise themselves, but the one who heeds correction gains understanding.”
—Proverbs 15:32


“Mockers resent correction, so they avoid the wise.”
—Proverbs 15:12


“Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.”
—Proverbs 12:1

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