Discipline, not desire.

Do you want something(s) in your life to change? Do you long for freedom from _______? In a culture that is anemically crippled by a lack of a self-control, we find ourselves slaves to our addictions, to our debts, to our poor health, to our anger, to our fear, and to our habitual bad choices. Want change? Simply wanting is …


You Are Here.

AHA! We have all had moments where we have been walking along and happen to look down and notice a little treasure. It may be sticking out of the sand or laying on a sidewalk, but there is always a feeling of excitement when we stumble upon that which we were not expecting to find. Likewise, there is something amazingly …

Two years too long.

On Monday, January 5th, 2105, one of my high school friends unexpectedly passed away. Rob Gottula was a very kind and personable guy—approachable, likable, caring and unique. When I heard the news, I was in disbelief. My heart broke for his family and his friends. He encouraged me in my writing, letting me know that he appreciated certain things I had …

Patients and patience.

I cringe at the idea of being late to things—to parties, to appointments, to dinner with friends. There’s just something for me about being prompt and on time that I believe shows responsibility and respect. Even though sometimes there are situations which prevent my punctuality, if someone has set aside a certain time at which they are expecting me to …


There’s a well-known saying which, while it certainly holds truth, doesn’t necessarily tell the entire story: “Hurt people hurt people.” Yes, behavior is often borne out of experiences of things that have happened to us (or haven’t happened to us). But being badly hurt doesn’t always manifest itself in bad behavior. Sometimes hurt people are simply people who are hurting. …