Sing, sing a song.

Note: The following post is based upon my personal experience. I considered filing this away in a personal journal as I don’t want to disrespect anyone mentioned.  However, I choose to share this experience with the goal of illustrating a greater point. There’s this thing that a local church does every year which I was eagerly looking forward to. It’s …

When feeling bad is a good thing.

We all have that little voice in our head.  You know, that one that quietly says to us things such as, “You probably shouldn’t do that,” or “It would be wise if you did this,” or sadly the one that says, “I told you so.” I have that voice in my head. A lot.  And I appreciate it—even when it says …

How does your garden grow?

Last year my wife and I built two good sized garden boxes in our back yard with the intention of growing and harvesting our own vegetables.  It was pretty successful, however we learned a lot about what to do and more importantly, what not to do. So, this year she began again by planting a variety of little seeds into …


Pay attention to the man behind the curtain.

Of all the amazing events surrounding His death on the cross, perhaps one of the most significant involves what happened in the the final moments of Christ’s life. Around noon, while Jesus hung on the cross, the entire earth became dark; a darkness lasting three hours—a total blackout.  Jesus cried out to His Father, “Father, into your hands I commit …


Can I borrow a dollar?

As I continue to marvel in the life and work of Jesus during this Easter week, I am fascinated by his fulfillment of prophecy.  God bestowed the prophetic gift upon different men in history, forecasting future events in order to get people’s attention.  Many of those given are cryptic and didn’t make much sense at the time, while others were …